
此書,經多年的籌備,終於在殷切地期盼中,於2008/11/01正式出版了。這個準備過程中,為了更完善此書的系統性,圖版藏品的選件收集工作,相當程 度得助於中國、台灣兩地藏家朋友們的鼎力幫忙。出版此書的目的,是冀望得以為紫砂古壺研究的資料,所以採用學術性的規格做定位,並以較為清晰明確的斷代方 式,做出對器物的認識導引。讓更多的壺友透過此書,得以進一步了解明清宜興窯茶器之美。

《Purple Clay Treasure》 〈The Beauty of Yixing Wares of Ming and Qing Dynasties〉
After years of preparation, this book was finally published on Nov. 1 in 2008 with great expectation. In order to facilitate the scientific nature of this book, collectors from mainland China and Taiwan contributed greatly to the selection presented in the book. It is my sincere hope that this publication will provide a better understanding of Yixing wares from the Ming and Qing dynasties.

宜興窯茶器的歷史只有500年,這要比任何古代老窯器年輕許多,標準器物的取證上相對容易些,但也因此,在準確性上需作出更嚴格的要求與把關。以往在 紫砂老壺的學習與求知的過程中,閱讀過不少相關書籍,但隨著新證物與資料的不斷出現,似有必要給于階段性的釐清,也給了這次出版的定位。

The history of Yixing kiln can only be traced back 500 years, which is much younger than any other ancient kilns. Therefore, it was relatively easier to locate standard dating materials. However, for the same reason, higher standards have been adopted for better accuracy. During my experience with antique Yixing teapots, I have come across many books on this subject. With more and more new evidence and information becoming available, it seems a clarification phase is due and hence set the goal of this publication.

本書得以出版,尤其是要深深地感謝台北‧唐人工藝出版社的傾全力支持。在合著此書的編輯過程中,總編輯黃健亮先生是要比我付出更多的心血在裡頭,相當 堅持學術引證的信念,充滿著學者風範,在在引人折服。此書的編著,除了盡量秉持客觀的論述與考證,圖版藏件的年代說明,亦摒除了以往習以清初、清中、清末 等概略性的斷代作法,改以較為嚴謹且清晰地呈現應有的年代。諸如年代標示:「康熙」,為代表康熙初年至康熙中期,是屬典型的康熙風格器物;年代標示:「康 雍時期」,則是代表康熙晚期至雍正時期風格的器物。如此的分際,能讓讀者更清晰地去體悟不同時代器物上的風格與特徵。當然,這些斷代依據只能代表現在的觀 點,隨著日後更多考古證據的發現,應能再進一步的修校。

My deep thanks goes to唐人工藝出版社, Taipei. During the editing process, chief editor Mr. Huang Chien Ling devoted more effort than I did. He always convinced me with his persistence to the scientific way of research and scholarly knowledge. During compilation of this book, clearer and more precise ways of dating methods have substituted the vague way in the past. For example, dating description such as early Qing, mid Qing or Late Qing was no longer used. If a piece was dated Kangxi, then it came from early to mid Kangxi era and represented the typical Kangxi style. If dated Kangxi to Yong Zheng period, then it represented style from late Kangxi to Yong Zheng period.
With such classification, readers may be able to have a better understanding of the style and characters in wares from different periods. Of course, these dates are based on current understanding and will be revised as more discoveries are made in the future.

此書另著錄有由黃健亮、潘持平、黃振輝、彭清福等執筆的四篇專文,共有數萬字的論文和專篇,內容相當精采。尤其由黃健亮編寫的〈由考古材料略談紫砂研 究的新啟示》一文,大量引用了烏特蘭號〈the Oosterland〉、迪特莫森號〈the Geldermalsen〉、泰興號〈the Tek Sing〉、迪沙如號〈the Desaru〉等水下考古材料及中國南京博物院2008年發表的〈宜興蜀山窯址發掘報告〉最新資料。

This book also contains four special papers from Huang Chien Ling、Pan Chr Ping、Huang Jen Huei and Peng Ching Fu, which amounts to over ten thousands words. “Yixing ware study inspired by archeology materials“ by Huang Chien Ling quoted a lot from the shipwreck study from the Oosterland, the Geldermalsen, the Tek Sing and the Desaru plus the lastest information from <The Excavation Report of Su San Klin in Yixing> published by China Nanking Museum in 2008. This book selects one hundred and thirty five pieces of unique Yixing wares from mainland China and Taiwan. Every piece comes with detailed comparison in easy to understand descriptions. Therefore, this book is excellent for both collectors and admirers alike. With the abundance of information presented, this book will be an important reference book for the study of Yixing wares from Ming and Qing dynasties.

Ehief Editor Mr. Peng Ching Fu /Huang Chien Ling

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